For the first time in the Kingdom of Bahrain, artist Mayada El-Hanawi is on the stage of the Bahrain National Theater!
Come and attend the concert of one of the giants of Arab singing, Mrs. Mayada El-Hanawi, or as her fans and connoisseurs of Arab singing like to call her, “The Voice of the Generation,” as she will perform her concert on Thursday and Friday, December 12th & 13th, 2024, on the stage of the Bahrain National Theater, led by Bahraini maestro Khalifa Ziman.

Bahrain National Theatre
Thu 12 Dec – Fri 13 Dec
Prices from 30 BHD
This concert is a great opportunity for lovers of authentic tarab to enjoy the masterpieces of Mrs. Mayada El-Hanawi, the creative works in which she collaborated with the giants of Arab tarab composers, such as the musician Muhammad Abdel-Wahab, Baligh Hamdi, Muhammad Al-Muji, Farouk Salama and others. These masterpieces have been immortalized in history and still sit on the throne of Arabic tarab song.